Osteoarthritis(osteoarthritis) is a dystrophic disease of the joints associated with slow degeneration and destruction of the intra-articular cartilage. Over time, there is a restructuring of the bone ends, inflammation and degeneration of periarticular tissues. The term "osteoarthritis" (deforming osteoarthritis) includes a group of joint diseases of a degenerative-inflammatory nature, which have different origins and similar mechanisms.
Primary osteoarthritis due to age-related and / or biomechanical changes. Secondary, occurs after an injury due to diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease due to vascular disorders, etc. Contributes to damage to the joints of the legs and the development of osteoarthritis flat feet, which violates shock-absorbing functions in the foot. Timely use of specially selected orthopedic insoles allows you to correct the deformity of the foot and reduce the load on the joints.
Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease, and the frequency increases with age. But this disease does not only occur in the elderly, which determines its social significance.
- pain during exertion, diminishing at rest;
- limitation of mobility and crunching of the joint;
- muscle tension in the joint area;
- possible periodic appearance of swelling, gradual deformation of the joint.
Primary osteoarthritis - 40-50% of cases of osteoarthritis. The disease develops on a previously healthy joint, and its cause is not damage to the joint, but, for example, hard physical work.
Secondary osteoarthritis - 50-60% of cases. The joint prone to osteoarthritis was deformed even before the disease - for example, as a result of trauma.
Which joints are affected by osteoarthritis?
Most often, osteoarthritis develops in the joints of the lower half of the body (hip, knee, first metatarsophalangeal). On the hands, the joints in the phalanges of the fingers are most often exposed to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis usually occurs first on one joint and then on the other - symmetrically to the first.

Coxarthrosis(osteoarthritis of the hip joint) is characterized by a progressive course and impaired statodynamic function of the musculoskeletal system. It occupies one of the first places among degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The dystrophic process begins with articular cartilage - its thinning, dissociation, fragmentation occurs, and its attenuating properties are lost. As a compensatory reaction of the hip surfaces of the hip joint, marginal bone growths are formed. In the future, sclerosis develops and cysts form in the joints of the femoral head and acetabulum.

Gonarthrosisknee joint) occupies a leading place in the group of arthritis lesions in the joints of the extremities. Patients with gonarthrosis are constantly prevalent in patients who go to polyclinics, but unfortunately they are few among those treated in our hospitals. Inpatient treatment can have a much greater effect than outpatient treatment at work. Known by doctors for over 100 years, this disease is called "salt deposition" in everyday life.